
The Buzz

Friday, March 25, 2011

Whew.... Where to start

Ok so remember when I said my life was slowing down, like the turbulence all of a sudden met clear blue skies. Well now there are a couple storm clouds mixing in. Hmm where should I start, ahh I know how about DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) States. Well let me run down what usually goes on. Basically DECA is a business related competition that consists of role plays, written essays, or business and professionalism trivia. First you compete in districts where you compete against all those in your particular DECA district, if you do well on your role play then you will be awarded with a plaque and a medal which will make you eligible to compete in states.

Now states are what really make DECA great, you compete for the weekend and you stay in some pretty high grade hotels. My role plays left much to be desired but I made it to states twice because of my test scores. Alright now back to the point. We were scheduled to leave after school last thursday and just like usual my procrastination had me bumping shoulders with the date before I actually prepared for it. I got my dress attire and spent the rest of wednesday packing for the trip. The next morning I ran out, put my bags in the van, and sped off down the street to catch the bus to LTU.

Minutes later I realized that I had forgotten my shampoo and my body wash.... the one thing that I hoped I wouldnt forget, Ma offered to bring it to me during her lunch break. School went by as usual so it wasnt long before the final bell rung and the mad dash to get our luggage in the charter bus began. I hadnt heard anything from my mom since this morning so I thought I wouldnt get the shampoo and body wash, but minutes after I carried my bags out of the vice principal's office I felt my phone vibrate and my head itch, all at once. I ran to the bathroom like some star athlete and kicked the door open.

Lucky I didnt hit anyone. I rushed in put some water on my head and answered the phone. YES, my mom was outside waiting. Problem was my head was becoming increasingly irritated and my mom wanted to hold a conversation, the two dont go together. I told her that I had to call her back and I practically had to hang up on her to get back to soothing my scalp. Everybody was packing their things into the bus and taking their seats, so I ran down the hallway with bags hanging from my shoulders to pack this stuff up so I could turn around and get my package. When I finally exited the building I saw a familiar figure walking aimlessly towards the bus..... wait... thats my mom! I ran in front of her to get her attention, I grabbed the shampoo and body wash, and tossed my bags into the bus like a discus. I got on the bus and took a seat near the front, because all the seats in the middle are a teens favorite of course.

I should have gotten on earlier. The bus ride was a good 3 hours including the 30 minute stop for something to eat. I got a cappuchino from Starbucks, and ill tell you it wont happen again. It did not taste like something I would drink twice. We made it to the JW in grand rapids before too long and we were assigned our rooms. I had three rappers in my room, can you say cypher? Up the elevator and into the room, dropped my stuff, then went to a meeting in our advisors room. It was kinda like a reminder of what was going on and what we should or shouldnt do.

Back down to our room and I called the other Quiz Bowl members to my room. Two girls and one boy. We studied for a bit before they lost focus and I figured it would be no point in trying to get it back. so we went back to our advisors room to report who we thought would be the best, me and azarae. After that was curfew so we went back to our rooms and chilled for a while. Eiman, one of the Quiz Bowl members started to talk about the illuminati. At first I tried not to say too much but Alonzo, another rapper seemed to know as much about it as I did. Not good, we ended up talking until 3:30 in the morning, and only because I realized the time and suggested we stop.

So needless to say I didnt want to get up early that morning but I ended up doing it anyway. Quiz Bowl had orientation at around 4:00 so we decided to wake up at 8:00 in the morning to start studying before lunch came around. We got some studying in, eat lunch, then chilled until around 3:00. We got dressed and set off to the amway for our orientation. The room we were in was hot, everybody was complaining about this or that, and we had to fill out three sheets with the one pen that I brought along between us. Because we got a bye, which is basically being seeded our event was at 5:15 instead of immediately like others. We hung around the area where we would be competing and studied a bit more. Before we knew it we were face to face with our opponents. Although we didnt know it yet hehe. It was such a diverse group, a tall and attractive hispanic girl, a small beautiful asian girl, a portly white boy, and what looked to be a tall, built asian boy. It was finally time to compete and we left for our assigned room. The battle was quick but not painless, we were ahead in answering the questions for a couple minutes but one of the team members answered three questions quickly putting us two behind right before the gong........ we lost, by the same amount as last year two points.      

Well that doesn't matter cause now we had nothing to do the following day until 2:00 in the afternoon while everyone else had role plays early in the morning, lucky right! NO! They woke me up at around 8:00 in the morning..... needless to say I went back to sleep as best I could but only for about a hour. Then I hooked my computer up and chilled for a couple hours. Around 12:00 I got ready and went up to the girls floor to wait on Azarae and Janesha. We left out, took our tests, then went back to the hotel to get changed and ordered some hot wings, pizza, and cheese bread. The hot wings was drowned in hot sauce so I couldnt eat too many of them but I KILLED that tiny pizza and the cheese bread. After that I hung with the other girls and played some dirty truth or dare for a while. Im omitting the next section just cause, read the biography for the rest in a couple years hehe.

Alright speeding through, we went to a hockey game and did a cypher when we came back with the other rappers. We went to bed at around 2:00 and woke up at 7:00 to get ready for breakfast but we missed it anyway. I fell asleep during the award ceremony a couple times and three hours after I was on my way back home in the familiar monte carlo.

Whew, longest post so far I think!

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