
The Buzz

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blah Rant

Thesww - Teal Lazy

Im kinda irritated people.. for the most part i'm a pretty chill person. Not a lot can get under my skin.. I can accept a lot of things as fact and even leave some things alone...... but for some reason hypocrisy and being hit always gets under my skin... well obviously getting hit pisses me off more than the other, but... well whatever i should get to the point. Earlier I had a conversation with a friend of mine.. i wont disclose any information about the person at all cause if I did that would be some weak shit.. but thats another post for another day... anyway we had a conversation about new freshman coming into college and how they are loud and boisterous, blah blah blah, she doesn't talk to them they are irritating and the like. Now I said that she should welcome them jokingly, that she should open her heart and talk to em just to see what they are about.. Just ignoring them is antisocial. She responded that its not being antisocial in an irritated tone, that she talked to people HER age... mind you.. we are good friends and i'm not only a freshman but i'm younger then her as well.. but anyway, I said that she should be a role model if they are so terrible. She responded that their mom should be their role model. I asked her if its possible to have more than one role model. She responded that she wasn't responsible for anyone's child and that she isn't even a role model. I said that she is very responsible and people could learn a lot from her. She just repeated that she isnt responsible for anyone's child. Now this is a person who kindly takes care of small children on the daily, but yet you cant share that kindness, not only that but you say "your not responsible for anyone's child... Hypocrisy, dont shirk on your ideals in respect to the situation. Shit if you dont like smoking, you dont like smoking. Your opinion on it shouldnt change because at the time your surrounded by smokers. well that was my pet peeve of the day

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