
The Buzz

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New YEAR!

Woot, Woot! New year and stuffffff, time for some drastic changes in my ideology. For this year and every year after, I plan to reduce my storytelling (lying) as much as possible. I know some things warrant lying so I wont say that im going to stop lying completely (cause that would be bullshit and everyone should call me on it). Hopefully with this change and my vague resolution "Do better" ill be able to become a greater person. I want to larger than life without making my own stories if you get my drift. Anyone can make an epic about themselves, few sit back and leave the story making to spectators. So everyone, if your trying to keep a resolution for once this year how bout trying "Do Better" on for size. It sounds easy because its vague, but its difficult for the same reason. You literally have to do better at everything you can think of and then some in order to fulfill it. 

Oh and by the way pretty soon I should be getting a video camera, with that I should be able to make some satisfying videos and the like. Before nothing really tickled my fancy (hehe tickled my fancy :D) but  hopefully when I get it the video bug will bite me again.

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