
The Buzz

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Whew, im in a good mood. Because i'm in a good mood ill tell you something good. For a while I would be very hard on myself regarding the pace of my development. I would always think that I wasn't going to be able to do all the things that I wanted to if I didn't speed through everything. If I didnt immediately overcome obstacles that I wouldn't be able to finish my race. I no longer think that way thanks to someone in my dance class. Now what he said was not poetic but straight to the point. No pleasantries or sugary shit on it. none of that high fructose shit, just a plain but powerful statement. We were talking about the time that we have at our disposal as humans. How we only have a short amount of time to accomplish our goals. The man interrupted the conversation and said "Time is nothing". Now this might not seem like such a big deal to most or the man that said it, but it really helped me. sooooo, i told you. Now go find something to do till my next post tomorrow  

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