
The Buzz

Friday, June 17, 2011

Have you ever been struck by lightning twice?

Well I have, figuratively of course. Well I know the people who actually care remember my situation with my ex from not too long ago. Well needless to say I expected I would never hear from her again. After a long while I jumped back into my shitty single cycle, which consists of finding a chick I like then figuring out she's bat shit and cutting ties with her. There was one that I actually thought would work out but im getting off topic. I heard from her a week or so ago, and she apologized for everything even telling me that she still loved me. I WAS FUCKING SHOCKED! I really had no fucking idea what to say so the entire conversation was full of yeahs and wows on my part. The next day the chick I had been with blew a fucking gasket and even tried to kick me out of her car, wow god can work in mysterious ways I thought. The day after I hear from her again my current girl friend almost stabs me in my neck. So needless to say I called her back and now we have been talking almost every day. Im still fucking skeptical now that I know what females are capable of but i'm not going to let that stop me from giving it a shot.

Heres a little something extra just cuz,

when you look at life as a bet
you gamble on the chances, the probability of attaining humility or flashing jewelry
if you participate in juries or perform tom foolery
take responsibility or act like you didnt do anything
these are the possible hands you could be dealt but I promise you wont be getting a complete set
whether you play the game well or make fools of yourselves
so play your own deck well

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